
The Importance of Goals and Records

How many times have you driven home from work and can't remember the trip? Setting goals and keeping records can help you lose weight, get fit or change almost any part of your life!

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It Comes Off at the Same Rate it Goes Back On!

Don’t be in a mad panic rush to lose weight - the faster you lose it the faster you put it back on! Learn the reasons why this happens and how to prevent it from happening to you.

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Dress Size

Some people say if you are not up to measuring your body with a tape measure or weighing yourself on a set of scales then you can look at your dress size. Find out why we think this might not always be a good idea!

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Scales are a great way to measure your weight loss, however you must always be wary that whilst they are generally an accurate measure, there are a few things that will affect a weigh-in.

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Measuring vs Weighing

Where ever I go there seems to be a constant battle between the notions of either measuring your waist or weighing yourself to note the changes in your body. So which one is better?

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Honor Your Rewards!

It is really important to stick to your goals and even more important that you make sure you reward yourself for achieving them!

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Looking to the Future

Ask yourself now: Where will you be in 10 weeks? If you don't know or are not 100% sure that you will get there, then these tips are for you!

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Setting Mini Weekly Goals

Whether you decide to choose scales or the tape measure, you should always set yourself mini milestones. Learn how this easy tip can save you pounds!

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Commitment to Changing Your Patterns

Writing down your goal weight/size/shape is a fantastic way to commit yourself to changing your eating and exercise program. Not only does this give you something to aim for and work towards, it also concretes the plan as it forces you to "see" what you are aiming for.

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Food Diary

Forget diamonds! A food diary is a girl’s best friend! Find out how you can use one to change your awareness and your life!

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